3: Processional along Patton Ave. and Biltmore Ave.

Coven Oldenwilde's mummer players' first processional was in full public view on downtown Asheville's two main roads — and was such a hit that even the city's cab drivers said their patrons were admiring what a large, authentic troupe we were. We'd hidden an extensive CD of Samhain-themed Pagan songs in the cart John Barleycorn pulled, but the Gods chose just one for our accompaniment:
<a href="http://oldenwilde.org/oldenwilde/sounds/john-barleycorn_the-horses-of-the-gods.mp3" title="John Barleycorn by The Horses Of The Gods">John Barleycorn</a> by the aptly named Wiltshire band <a href="http://www.myspace.com/horsesofthegods/" target="_blank" title="English band The Horses of the Gods">The Horses Of The Gods</a>.

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