We've posted great new photos of our trial run of the Flash Rite and Mummer's Play at Tolliver's Pub last night. See them here: http://oldenwilde.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=261

Pack's Tavern is charging a $5 cover at the door because of an event they are having later in the evening, so instead of going inside we will process to the outdoor back patio of Pack's, next to the Magnolia Trees. If you plan to meet us there, dress warmly! For the other three pubs, we plan to perform the Flash Rite just inside the front entrance.
lWe've added our estimated times of arrival to each pub at the top of http://oldenwilde.org/samhain. We said ESTIMATED! ;-) This is the first time this ritual has ever been attempted, so our procession from one pub to the next may go faster or slower than we anticipate. If you want to catch up with us en route, listen for the Pagan music emanating from the CD player we'll be carting along in a small wagon. (Volunteers to pull and keep an eye on this wagon would be greatly appreciated!)
Volunteers, players, and anyone else who wants to join us at the very, very start will be gathering behind The Thirsty Monk shortly before 8.
Twitter users can tweet our progress using hashtag #flashrite.
Merry Samhain and Happy New Year! See you tonight,

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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
www.oldenwilde.org, www.oldenworks.org, www.wiccans.org
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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