Bundle of handfasting ribbons, blue foil text on silverWe’ve finalized our Samhain plans and have chosen to postpone the Pub Moot and processional until next year when The Wicked Weed Brewing (great name, right?!) will be open and wants us to perform the sacred play there. Instead, we'll focus wholly on the "Love is the Law" protest ritual and celebration of marriage equality.
So join us in downtown Asheville at 7 pm Halloween night (Wednesday, Oct. 31) on Roger McGuire Green in Pack Square Park in front of the Buncombe County Courthouse. Enjoy the trance dance and Merrymeet area where you can talk with folks of like mind or speed date: Perhaps you'll connect with someone and get handfasted when we perform the mass weddings, handfastings, and vow renewals! (Shown here are the bundles of our beautiful satin handfasting ribbons. The legend on them reads "'Love Within Our Hearts'  Blessed Be!")  
The Samhain 18 web page at oldenwilde.org/samhain will be updated ASAP to reflect this change and to include a Google map of the location. 
Please generously donate or volunteer to help us conduct Samhain 18.


Last Wednesday's interview of Coven Oldenwilde's High Priest by Elder Rawchaa of the Gathering of Christ Church proved so popular that *Diuvei agreed to return this Wednesday to answer more of the caller questions that jammed the show's switchboard. (That 4-hour Sept. 19 interview can be heard at oldenwilde.org.) Although monotheist, the GOCC believes that modern Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are built on stolen Pagan elements -- and sought *Diuvei out as a Wiccan priest to confirm this and to explain Pagan beliefs and practices. 
The 1-hour follow-up interview will be on the blogtalkradio show Search Engine International this Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 5 pm Eastern (= 2 pm pacific, 3 pm mountain, 4 pm central time). The link is http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gocchurch, the listener call-in no. is (646) 200-4309, and we will post an MP3 of the interview afterward at  oldenwilde.org .

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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
www.oldenwilde.org, www.oldenworks.org, www.wiccans.org
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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