Thanks to everyone who helped make Samhain 18 a success! We appreciate each kindness that enabled us to continue the tradition of hosting an annual free public rite: Those who donated to offset costs; helped decorate; protected the Covenstead in our absence; took pix or video of rite activities; manned the Merrymeet table; embodied a role; tied knots for marrying couples; played flute and drum; and donated candy and other goodies to share! 

The Afterparty was truly awesome — a mutual love-fest of sorts where folks of great diversity really dug each other while Kirk channeled Jimi Hendrix and played live electric guitar accompanied by extemporaneous drumming, followed by classic Halloween tunes such as Monster Mash. We laughed, ate, enjoyed being thoroughly ourselves!
Jumping the broom13-WLOS, Asheville's ABC affiliate, gave us great primetime news coverage — Witchcraft looked so fun, ancient, and powerful! For example, a mother of a bride was quoted as feeling that her daughter’s Witch wedding was preferable to her own, when she was dressed in boots and blue jeans ;-) See the news footage at: or on YouTube at:
Jack Hedden of Backspace Photography took excellent video of the rite, and is editing it now. Subscribe at our YouTube channel,, and you'll be automatically notified when it's uploaded. Anyone else who has pix or video, please send links or copies of them to us via this e-address. (If we post them on our website, we’ll give you photo credit using your initials, or magical or mundane name as you prefer.)
We’ve had positive feedback from ritual participants — including one mother who brought her young daughter: As was our intent, she met a nice Pagan man and they’ve already begun dating! If you have a cool Samhain 18 story to share, e-mail it to us!
To those eligible to vote in the U.S. elections, we encourage you to cast your vote with intention tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 6!).   


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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA,,
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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