1). Lady Passion turns 50 March 13th.
Celebrate with us beginning at 7 p.m. Friday March 15th at the Covenstead at 113 Clinton Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina. (Refreshments welcome!)

2). In honor of this miraculous event, Lady Passion is offering a one-time 40%-off donation of $60.oo for an hour Tarot reading by phone, by email, or in person, through March 31st.
If interested, schedule your appointment time at:

3). Lady Passion’s 18 years of successfully advocating for the religious rights of prisoners nationwide has born fruit — she’s now listed as a clergy resource by: The U.S. Justice Department; the A.C.L.U.; Drawing Down the Moon, and Circle Sanctuary’s Annual Guide to Pagan Resources. Further, we're told that insider newsletters run by prisoners' family members continually run “ads” of her services for inmates in need.

The result is that
the Covenstead mailbox is being flooded with letters and requests for help, information, and counseling from inmates across the nation who are exploring or actively practicing Wicca as their path to spiritual regeneration. Lady Passion responds to every one ... but our costs of ink, paper, stamps, envelopes, phone calls to contact bigoted Chaplains and uninformed Religious Rights Review Committees in various states, etc. have risen accordingly and are in danger of becoming cost-prohibitive.

So a tip of the Witch’s hat goes to
Delano (Christopher Nobles, of California) for becoming a monthly sponsor of this ministry!

However, while his contribution helps, we yet need more folks willing to work anonymously to further this goodly cause. Please consider doing so? You can donate online at oldenwilde.org or by mail to Coven Oldenwilde,  113 Clinton Ave., Asheville, NC 28806.

4). It's a cold, snowy winter this year, even in the South. We're staying warm by looking forward to the last weekend in July, when we'll be wearing nothing over our Witches of Coven Oldenwilde T-shirts at the Southeast's biggest annual street party. For those who are a proudly public Pagan, we’re eliciting your help on Friday, July 26 or Saturday, July 27 to help us run the sole Witch booth at Asheville’s annual Bele Chere festival. Formally we'll be raising funds as a nonprofit by selling official drink wristbands, but informally we get to meet other Pagans and represent Wiccan spirituality to folks who literally come from all over the world.

Have fun hanging out with Lady Passion and *Diuvei; relish both end-day Afterparties at the Covenstead. Please e-mail us your commitment to volunteer! (If you can’t physically come, please donate to provide food and drink, eh?) To get a taste of the past two years we've done this, visit

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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
www.oldenwilde.org, www.oldenworks.org, www.wiccans.org
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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