* The Goodly Spellbook's expanded reissue coming mid-August

The Goodly Spellbook 2.0As we announced last Yule, Sterling Publishing will reissue The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems this fall, in time for its 10th anniversary. Lady Passion and *Diuvei have spent the last four months diligently writing down all the new spells and other material we've been wanting for years to add to The Goodly, based on popular need and demand from all around the world. Now we have a date for the new revision's official release: Sept. 2014. It will be on bookstore shelves in mid-August, should you wish to place an advance order with your local bookseller. (The cover price and ISBN are still TBD.) 
Here is the newly redesigned cover, which we think is way Witchier than the old one! We're told the artist was inspired by the magical diagrams in the book. (See an 8"x10" enlargement at: http://oldenwilde.org/srasmus/oldenpix/TGS/rev2/goodly-spellbook-2_8x10.jpg.) 
* Ostara at the Covenstead
Covenstead's wild daffodilsAfter this relentless winter of "polar vortices" and record-breaking extremes of snow, flood, and drought, we can hardly wait to welcome the Spring Equinox! We'll turn the Wheel of the Year at the Covenstead in Asheville, NC on Friday, March 21, starting at 7 pm. If you would like to come, please RSVP to oldenwilde@oldenwilde.org or (828) 251-0343, and plan to bring food or drink. The art/science of Witch ritual will be our teaching focus this Sabbat.
* "Activism is the rent I pay for living on the planet." -- Alice Walker
*Diuvei (Steve Rasmussen) is extensively quoted in the current cover story in Mountain Xpress newsweekly as a "political activist" and expert on Asheville's particular clique of greed-is-good extremists: http://www.mountainx.com/article/56962/Portrait-of-CIBO-Council-of-Independent-Business-Owners-rallies-Asheville-business-community
* Help us help Pagan inmates
Inmate art of High PriestessLady Passion is now answering at least a dozen letters a week from Wiccans and Pagans in U.S. prisons, and that number continues to rise. More than 200 institutions now blanket our map (Alaska and Hawaii included) at  http://oldenwilde.org/oldenwilde/gen_info/blk_rib/wiccans-in-prison.html#wiccan-prison-map -- almost all of them places where sincerely practicing Pagans are struggling against official persecution. Indefatigable though she is, Lady Passion is a blind seer, and could really use your volunteer help reading inmates' letters (always handwritten) and addressing envelopes, or your donation to help pay for stamps (always getting more expensive). Please contact her or donate via oldenwilde.org!


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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
www.oldenwilde.org, www.oldenworks.org, www.wiccans.org
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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