Coven Oldenwilde, A Traditional Wiccan Coven (

Oldenwilde eUpdate: Beltane invite | Media | Half a thousand

(Apologies if you've received this eUpdate already. Further apologies if you haven't!)

Merry May:

Celebrate the Springtide by sharing with us in a Beltane Sabbat Smoked Feast on Saturday, May 4th (New Moon)!

A Covenstead feastDROP OFF beforehand:
     Meats to smoke (such as Cornish hen; boneless country ribs; beef roast or bone-in ham; venison);
     Veg to smoke (such as baking potatoes, sweet potato, whole onions, poblano chili, etc.).

BRING the day of:
     Bitter/dry ale, white wine (Livingston chardonnay), and non-sweet Spirits.

QUESTIONS? Email Queen Lady Passion: or call 828-251-0343.

Trees & C's:

 We joined with North Carolina's urban-tree advocates to stop a state bill that would have gutted every N.C. city's tree-protection ordinances —  Row of bald cypressesjust in time for *Diuvei's commentary "A shady proposition: Stopping Asheville's tree-loss crisis makes climate sense for city" to appear in this week's print issue of Mountain Xpress. Look for it online at this weekend, and thereafter at

"Last year, simply by living, the trees lining the curb of our little West Asheville residential lot stopped 3,720 gallons of stormwater from eroding our and our neighbors' yards and flooding down our streets and storm drains into our neighborhood creeks. That's nearly the same amount of water as four large fire engines blasting their hoses till their tanks are empty ..."  

• Maybe it's just a cosmic coincidence of c's, but Lady Passion's two latest media interviews are these, which you can listen to at or the show links below:

Cosmic Questions radio show"Rituals & Sabbats": Cheryl Costa, host of "Cosmic Questions" on KCOR Radio, is a big fan of our book Rituals & Sabbats: Sacred Rites and Seasonal Celebrations. She talks with Lady Passion about Witch rituals and holidays and takes questions from listeners, on March 19, 2019.
Stream or download at:


Cosmic Goody Bag podcast"All Things Witch — Interviewing a High Priestess of Coven Oldenwilde": Carla Cherry, host of "Cosmic Goody Bag", asks Queen Lady Passion the kinds of questions you've always wanted to ask a real Witch and Coven High Priestess, on Oct. 22, 2018.
Stream or download at:


Half a thousand and counting:

We've crossed the 500 mark -- Coven Oldenwilde is aiding Pagan inmates in 503 U.S. county, state, federal, and private jails and prisons, throughout all 50 states and Puerto Rico. The flood of letters and calls seeking information, counseling, or help obtaining religious rights that pours into our mailbox and phone is rising every week as word of our care and advocacy for incarcerated fellow Pagans spreads. 

Ever wonder how to turn a racist Odinist into an open-minded Pagan? Lady Passion's got it down: "OK, so you follow Odin," she replies, "but what Goddesses do you worship? What about Freya, Hertha, ...? Because if all you worship is one male God, you're not a Pagan -- you're a monotheist, no different from the Christians." If they listen -- and most do -- they soon find that honoring a diversity of God/desses leads them to honor the diversity in people.

Yes, these inmates do include white supremacists, as well as murderers, pedophiles, gangsters -- and too many innocent folk railroaded into prison by failed justice systems. But of the thousands of Wiccan and Pagan inmates we've aided and taught over the last 15+ years, we've yet to receive a single report of a recidivist -- one who's committed a new crime after release. That's because Lady Passion teaches prisoners how to be both magical and ethical, no matter how brutal their circumstances or background -- and to stand up with self-respect, honesty, and courage for their and others' right to worship the Olde Gods, no matter how relentlessly they are persecuted. 

Please help her continue reducing crime and reforming the prison system, so that you won't someday be victimized by either!

Donate today!Your donation of just $40 will pay for a printer cartridge. If you think you can't spare it, consider this: The one thing we don't need is stamps, because grateful inmates and prison Covens who are literally paid pennies for long hours of grueling labor save up their meager pay in order to buy and send us stamps, so that we can help others the way we've helped them.

Learn more about our prison work at, or purchase Lady Passion's Pagan Prisoner Advocate's Guide, now in print. 

Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, & *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA


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