Coven Oldenwilde, A Traditional Wiccan Coven (

Oldenwilde eUpdate: Nat Geo | Beltane 2023 | Word Power

Merry pre-Beltane everyone! We proudly announce:

Coven Oldenwilde in National Geographic

Pagans at Stonehenge, in foreground a blond priestess holding a stag-horn stang

Queen Lady Passion and Coven Oldenwilde's work is now featured online in National Geographic Magazine, Travel section, "Paganism is on the rise—here's where to discover its traditions":

The article acknowledges our decades of work making Asheville, North Carolina "the Salem of the South" (not our quote; that of an author years ago). Among Queen Lady's quotes, she concluded the article by encouraging folk to seek out ways to immerse themselves in the joys of spiritual ecstasy.

Thank author Christine MacIntyre and peruse our popular Facebook Witch page:

(Despite the uncanny resemblance, the above photo from the article does NOT show Queen Lady Passion, but celebrants of the Autumn Equinox sunrise at Stonehenge.)

INVITATION to Beltane Sabbat 2023

Red cardinal perched on a branch amid spring greenery; his black face and yellow beak are facing the viewer

Our Covenstead's King Cardinal surveying his greenwood domain in our Natural Wildlife Habitat.

Saturday, April 29, arrive before 7 pm, at Oldenwilde Covenstead: The unsolicited publicity from the Nat Geo articles has generated so much positive interest that we're opening our Beltane Sabbat to all who RSVP to or (828) 251-0343. We'll crown a May Queen who'll dance round the balefire with the Oak King, and enjoy a lavish cakes & wine/ale. We'll provide the cakes (both omnivore and vegan), but urge all not to come empty-handed: Please either bring drink to share or donate $9 to defray cost, in cash or via If you have questions, need directions, need to stay overnight, etc., let us know in your RSVP.  

The Power of Words

Row of book covers by Coven Oldenwilde

A typical testimonial to the power of our published books:

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for everything that you've done for the magical world. I currently own The Goodly Spellbook and it has helped me … excel in my job (I've gotten 2 promotions since I began practicing and I've only been doing so for 1 year)! … I learned so much history from your Preface that I was completely ignorant of. Regarding the actual spells, I performed the spell to attract followers to your social media — I went from 50 followers to over 2000 on my art page in just a week. I also performed the spell to repel jealousy, and I think this is a part of why my work environment has improved so much [and enabled my promotions].

The chapter regarding "The Power of Words" has probably helped me the most. I was, to say the least, not very good at getting my point across, or speaking up when necessary. I've since become a much clearer, and more eloquent speaker — people actually stop chatting amongst themselves and notice me when I speak, and they listen. This is also relevant to magical rituals and invocations. I've learned to enunciate the important sounds and [now] I speak very differently. … I have many more to get through when the time calls for it, but it is an invaluable source for me. …

I've heard from [a friend] that Coven Oldenwilde is the most magical place she has ever visited. It would only make sense that some of the most magical and world changing ideas would come from there.

— S.K.J., New York City, NY, Feb. 2023

Find buy links to all our books at our home page,

Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, & *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA


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