'60s Jesus-freak bookcover

Wicca and Teens

As teenagers yearn for independence, knowledge and understanding about life, many are naturally drawn toward the ancient wisdom of Witchcraft. This is good if they believe that previous societies worked with the powers of Nature to help themselves and others. However, teens should seek occult (hidden) knowledge only as a well thought out, personal, religious choice.

Many people claim to be Witches, Magicians and Warlocks, etc. Some are -- some are just posers. For example, a warlock isn't a male Witch -- it's a derogatory term Witches use for someone who has either broken their promises or revealed Craft secrets. Teens should be as suspicious of boastful types who say they're Witches as they are of any other kind of boaster.

What is Wicca?

What part do teens have in the Craft?

Camping ... Hiking ... Learning to identify and use magical and medicinal plants/herbs ... Learning to mix essential oils ... Rites of Passage (going through all-female or all-male Mystery ceremonies where their growth into adulthood is acknowledged and celebrated -- MoonTime celebrates young women's menstruation, and GreenManning celebrates young men's maturing) ... Maypole dancing (celebrating Nature's spring season of fertility) ... Sabbat games ... Learning about natural healing and meditative techniques (encourages calm during tough teen times) ... Woodworking, Smithing, Leather-working, Jewelry-making ... Learning the properties of Stones and Gems, etc. ... Playing musical instruments, Singing chants ... Costume-making ... and much more. Such teen activities were encouraged in the old days, and continue to help them cultivate life-long skills today.

What teens can do if they're interested in Wicca

Blessed be,

Passion & *Diuvei

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Latest update: 13 Jul. 1997