Pagan/Wiccan Prisoners | Solstice Smoke-out | Bele Chere Festival

Pagan/Wiccan Prisoners
A new interactive map *Diuvei has created on pinpoints the more than 100 American prisons with Pagan and Wiccan inmates who have requested Lady Passion's aid just since 2007. It demonstrates that Pagans and Wiccans behind bars are one of the fastest growing but most persecuted and neglected communities of "the Goddess's hidden children". 
Every day, Lady Passion receives and answers a rising tide of letters and phone calls from inmates and their families all around the U.S. that detail how the fundamentalist Christian administrators, staff, and chaplains who control most American prisons use cruel and illegal means to try to suppress prisoners from practicing the Olde Religion. They confiscate Tarot cards, single out Wiccan groups for strip-searches, ban the wearing of pentagrams as "gang symbolism", forbid Wiccans from circling even for the Eight Sabbats while allowing Christians and Muslims to hold daily prayer meetings ... etc., etc. Sadly, however, these letters and calls also all too frequently reveal inmates' previous pleas for help from Pagans and Wiccans on the outside being ignored, rejected, or mishandled so badly that the prisoners' situation was made even worse. 
That's why -- as the only Coven we know of that has been consistently aiding and advocating for imprisoned and institutionalized Pagans and Wiccans since 1995 -- we need your help helping them. Learn more at our new web page about Pagan/Wiccan Prisoner Advocacy at, where you can also tour Coven Oldenwilde's Gallery of Wiccan Prisoner Art that grateful inmates have sent us, and get involved by downloading Lady Passion's new, free "Pagan Prisoner Advocate's Guide".  
And you can help fund Lady Passion's work by making a tax-deductible donation to Coven Oldenwilde via PayPal or credit/debit card at
After all, helping ensure Pagan and Wiccan prisoners can follow the Path freely is in your best interest as well as theirs: Pagan and Wiccan convicts rarely if ever commit further crimes after they've served their time, we've observed (in stark contrast to Christian and Muslim jailhouse converts). And in a nation that jails more of its citizens than any other on Earth, in which 1 out of every 8 prisoners are victims of the war on a sacred herb that most Americans have illegally used  --  "there, but for the grace of the Gods, go ye"!
Solstice Smoke-out
Celebrate the Litha Sabbat at the Covenstead Saturday June 22nd! Slow cooking of feast foods adoors and playing Pagan chants and songs in circle.
BRING: Wine, ale, or Spirits and your musical instrument
(we have instruments you can use if need be).
RSVP for time details & directions if you plan to attend.
Bele Chere Festival
This summer may be your last chance ever to experience the Southeast's biggest & most popular annual street festival, now that Asheville's City Council has abruptly decided to stop sponsoring it next year. On Friday & Saturday, July 26 & 27, we'll be raising funds for Coven Oldenwilde by selling beverage wristbands near the Battery Park Stage. Volunteer to help for 8 or more hours, and own a Witchy T-shirt designed by Lady Passion. Contact us to volunteer or find out more. (Must be 21 or older.)

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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA,,
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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