Star in a Magical TV Series:

        We've signed an agreement with a reputable California production company that has previously filmed series for the History channel and the Discovery channel, etc., to be filmed for a TV series showing how we teach magical apprentices, and exploring what attracts Seekers to Wicca, as well as their experiences while aspiring to the Priest/esshood.
         No contest, sensationalism, or monetary compensation involved; rather, this is an opportunity to present the Craft well to a national and international audience, and to show viewers how folks from all walks of life can master magic.
Coven Oldenwilde's Art Magical Academy         The series will likely be filmed in our Covenstead in West Asheville, NC, and if it gets the go-ahead for production, the filming could commence anywhere from 4 to 6 months or so from now. We would teach apprentice/cast-members material from Coven Oldenwilde's upcoming online School of Witchcraft courses.
        If you’d A). like us to consider you as a potential apprentice/cast-member, or B). are just willing to share your feelings about or experiences with us on camera, email us which type of participation you’re interested in, and include all your contact info.
        We’ll schedule with you an evening to come to the Covenstead and be filmed for the testimonial/cast-reel!


Samhain is just one week away:

Witches Gone WildeSamhain 19: Witches Gone Wilde, 10/31/’13 (Halloween), 7–10 pm, at the French Broad River Park in West Asheville, NC. Map/directions & details at:
        We need videographers to film the torch-lit festivities and to ask attendees willing to go on camera to relate why they came to this rite in particular, and what draws them to Witchcraft in general. You'll get full credit for all footage we or the abovementioned production company use.
        We also still need volunteers to enable the Sabbat. Email us if you’re willing to be assigned a character or role/function, etc.

        Interesting fact: We've just learned from a local archaeology graduate student that a large Native American sacred mound once stood a stone's throw away from our ritual site, on the opposite shore of the river where the railroad roundhouse now stands. Maybe that helps explain why it's such a magical site that we keep coming back to it -- now for the fifth time -- by popular demand. (BTW, another mound survives nearby on the Biltmore Estate; you can see it from the intersection of Brevard Rd. and I-40.)

Magnolia Summer revisited:

Lady Passion confronts Stewart Coleman        Five years ago, we put our Wiccan magical and environmental ethics on the front line by living for three months beneath a historic pair of magnolia trees in front of Asheville City Hall that a developer planned to demolish for a luxury condo high-rise. Our friend and fellow "tree-sitter" Clare Hanrahan, an Asheville-based peace and environmental activist and journalist, chronicled each dramatic day on her blog, "Asheville On the Ground." The trees were saved and the political landscape permanently shifted ... but the blog vanished thanks to the vagaries of the Internet.
        Luckily we'd saved an archive of its Magnolia-related pages and photos that you can now view on Coven Oldenwilde's website at: It's a fascinating read, and Clare is an excellent writer (as you can see on her current blog, Action South, at: The photo here, which depicts Lady Passion confronting developer Stewart Coleman when he tried to spray-paint the Parkside boundary as a climactic court hearing was going against him, accompanies Clare's up-close account of their showdown at:

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Blessed be,
Lady Passion, HPs, and *Diuvei, HP
Coven Oldenwilde
Asheville, North Carolina, USA,,
Phone: (828) 251-0343

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